09-09-09 might seem like a cool date to do anything, but in the case of The Beatles (and especially John Lennon) the number 9 has a big significance.
here is a list of some number 9-related facts...please feel free to write your own number 9 stories here below in the comments.
- John Lennon was born on 9 October 1940
- He first lived on Newcastle (9 letters) Road, in Wavertree (9 letters), Liverpool (9 letters)
- John Lennon wrote songs named "One After 909", "Revolution #9" and "#9 Dream"
- Revolution #9 appears on the 9th Studio Album of The Beatles
- The Beatles broke up after 9 years together
- His best friends were Stu Sutcliffe (9 letters) and Paul McCartney (9 letters)
- He took the 72 bus to school (7+2 = 9)
- The Beatles first played the Cavern on February 9th, 1961
- Brian Epstein first saw The Beatles on November 9th, 1961
- The Beatles' contract with Parlophone/Emi was on May 9th, 1962
- Cynthia Lennon's birthday is 10/9 and John's is 9/10
- The Beatles first single has catalogue number R4949
- The Beatles finally made it big during their appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show on 9 February 1964
- John Lennon met Yoko Ono on 9 November 1966
- After changing his name to John Ono Lennon, there were 9 'o' 's in his and Yoko Ono Lennon's name

Walls & Bridges (his 9th solo album) contains many references to 9
- On the sleeve of the record you can see a footballer wear a number 9 shirt
- The record contains " #9 dream". It peaked at number 9 in the Billboard charts
- There are 9 syllables in the chorus: Ah! Böwakawa poussé, poussé
- It was released in November (9th month)
- Mind Games contains 9 letters
- Rock 'n' Roll contains 9 letters
- John & Yoko lived on West 72 (7+2 = 9) Street
- Sean Lennon was born on 9 October 1975
- The first Dakota Building flat that John & Yoko lived in was number 72 (7+2 = 9)
- John was shot on 8 October (9 October Liverpool Time)
- John died at Roosevelt Hospital (9 letters) in Manhattan (9 letters)
do you know any others? Let us know!